Elections to the Council of Arbitration Managers of the City of Kyiv – took place!


On June 28, 2024, a congress of arbitration managers of the city of Kyiv took place. Artur Megerya was elected as the Chairman of the Council, and Natalia Tyshchenko was elected as the deputy. Vadym Kizlenko, Oleksandr Demchan, Olena Burkush, Andriy Filyk and Volodymyr Lozovskyi were also included in the composition.

“This is an important event for our city, which determines the future development of our profession and lays the foundation for a modern vision of bankruptcy procedures in general,” said Nataliya Tyshchenko, managing partner. Yuk Nobili.

Arthur Megerya presented the main points of the joint program of activities of the Council for the next two years:

1. Unity and solidarity. Uniting all arbitration managers of Kyiv is the key to success. Council decisions should be based on the principles of legality and justice.

2. Protection of rights and dignity. Resolute defense of the rights and guarantees of arbitration managers.

3. Strong voice and influence. Active work to ensure that the management of NAACU and other state bodies take into account the opinions and needs of the arbitration managers of Kyiv.

4. Professional development and exchange of experience. Creation of platforms for exchange of experience, training and professional development. Congratulations to the newly elected members of the Council!

We wish them success in their important work for the benefit of our community.