05/06/2024 A separate direction of my work is popularization of bankruptcy procedures Author: Natalia Tyshchenko Nataliya TISHCHENKO, arbitration manager, lawyer, managing partner of the Nobili law company, spoke about military challenges and pain points faced ...
24/04/2024 Many people have not achieved their goals because they were afraid of making a mistake all their lives Author: Natalia Tyshchenko Nataliya TYSHCHENKO, managing partner of JK NOBILI, member of the Council of the National Association of Arbitration Managers of Ukraine, shared her ...
Round table on the topic “Report on the financial and property status of the debtor, as a component of the completeness of actions of the arbitration manager” On March 15, a round table was held on the topic "Report on the financial and property status of the debtor, as a component of the completeness of ...
Nobili Law Company presented a scientific and practical commentary to the Code of Ukraine on bankruptcy procedures for the National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”. The goal of Nobili Law Company is to spread professional knowledge and highlight important aspects of the bankruptcy process. To actively influence ...
Scientific and practical commentary on the Code of Ukraine on bankruptcy procedures from now on in KNEU in the name of Vadym Hetman Nobili Law Company presented the Scientific and Practical Commentary of the Code of Ukraine on Bankruptcy Procedures for Kyiv National Economic ...